Because of the thousand of kilometers between me and my half a Valentine day seems not so stupid as it usually does. Moreover my time is consumed by work so when I o shopping I don't notice the overwhelming redness and pink dripping from shop shelves. I even managed to celebrate this day, despite not liking it so much.
"Be mine valentine"
Mały rebus jaki wczoraj nabazgrałam oglądając romantycznego Taxi Drivera :)
Small puzzle I've designed yesterday while watching romantic Taxi Driver :)
Poza tym w wolnych chwilach, chociaż mam ich niewiele, nadrabiam filmy i haftuję miłosny napis. Wzór znalazłam tutaj. W tym sklepie można kupić cały mega wspaniały alfabet, szkoda tylko, że wzór na pojedyncza literę kosztuje 8 funtów…
Besides in my free time, and believe me I don't have much of it, I'm doing some love stitchery while watching movies. The pattern was found here. In this shop you can buy a whole mega beautiful alphabet, pity that a single letter pattern costs 8 pounds…
Mam nadzieję, że wam miło mija dzisiejszy dzień i różni się troszkę od innych :)
I hope that you have a nice day today and it is a little bit more special than any other ones :)