My come back to Poland is getting closer and closer, because of that I have less and less of free time and more work. Nonetheless I menage to find some spare time and finish small projects. Today on Art-Piaskownica blog we published another part of 12/12 challenge. As an inspiration we choose mega colorful photo. I took the bright shades from it and made colorful friendship bracelets. While making them had a recollection of primary school, when these bracelets were very popular :)
Oto i one/and here they are:
Moreover starting tomorrow, besides limited time, I'm starting with two new challenges. One was presented by Worqshop (blog). A drawing a day.
Będzie trudno ale może dam radę :) Marzy mi się od dawna aby się porządnie rozrysować. Kiedyś rysowałam codziennie, zapełniałam zeszyt po zeszycie, a teraz pfff, jak zrobię 5 rysunków w kilka miesięcy to jest cód… Drugim wyzwaniem jest comiesięczna edycja jedno zdjęcie dziennie z bloga Fat Mum Slim (blog).
It's going to be tough but hopefully I'll manage :) I dream to start drawing daily. In the past I drew every single day, and filled journals with my sketches. But now? If there's 5 drawings per few months I call it a miracle … Second challenge is monthly edition a photo a day from Fat Mum Slim blog.
No to by było na tyle :)/ That'll be all :)